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Saturday, March 26, 2005

1. what is the 'rapture'?

2. john3:16 says that "for GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only son, that whoever believed in Him shall not perish but have eternal life."
so in this context you just have to believe in Jesus, and you get to go to heaven.
but somewhere in the bible it says that the road to heaven is narrow and not many people will find it. (i think.) you also have to be obedient to God and all that.
so which one is it? how to get to heaven?

3. Jesus died on the cross. His hands were nailed. which part? the wrist or the palm?

4. "Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him." Samuel 16:14. The LORD is holy and cannot be near sin. so how can an evil spirit come from the LORD?

yeah. thats all. have fun.


saved x 4:45 AM Sunday, January 16, 2005

Yo auntie brigo's in da house! woohooo!!! my first blog. well....I had a great time with u gals this morn during BS. Good to hear about how God guided u guys thru the week! Looking forward to more sharing in the weeks to come...yay!! Tiffie...u'll be missed over the next few days..take care of yourself in OBS...seize every opportunity to shine for God ok?? hehe...i'm sure u'll have a great time there. Well, those on worship team, hope to see all of u in church this fri for retreat. Come prepared to hear from God! =) oh yeah, I'm goin wakeboarding Sat noon...anyone wanna give it a shot? As for the cost, dun worry bout it. Just part with watever u can part with and brigo will top up. *Special promotion for sec 3 gals only, cannot miss!* hehe....

saved x 3:23 AM Tuesday, December 28, 2004

let me tell u a story of sth that happened to me recently. quite recently lah. 5 min ago. i call this story....

"the search of the missing GB uniform parts!"

haha, was reminded yesterday by my mum that once school starts i would have GB, then needed my uniform lah. so i checked if my uniform was there. the uniform was there, but the uniform parts were not! the horror! but then, being the lazy procrastinator i am, i felt that school was a long time away, so no need to start searching. tmr (thurs) have cca orientation, but i'm not supposed to be wearing full u. so can take my time.

so i asked my maid to help me find first... i noe, i'm lazy. but had this feeling that God wanted me to go search by myself, and not rely on the maid. didn't care, just sat down and watched mvp qing ren. sense of urgency still very low.

THEN. i went online, checked my email. it said that everybody had to wear full u during cca orientation which was the next day! DIE.

so went to search... search... search... and i found it! at the place where my maid had searched so thoroughly before. haha, was praying all the way...

lesson learnt: dun be lazy. and listen to God. haha.

the end of "the search of the missing GB uniform parts!"

haha, wasn't this story dramatic?? but then, i am a very drama person. :D


saved x 8:31 PM Friday, December 10, 2004

youth camp ended already. saaaaaaaaaaaad.. it was tooooooo short.

saved x 10:07 PM Monday, December 06, 2004

yooooth cammppp herreee weeeeee goooooo!!!!

saved x 4:26 AM Monday, November 29, 2004

hey all. hilary here. hmm. just went to the cardiologist this morn. found to have this floppy mitral valve thingy. causes irregular heartbeat. yup. so i won't be going for OBS next year. just pray it won't get worse k. thanks. ciao.

saved x 6:14 AM Wednesday, November 03, 2004


nice??hee.you all have to give comments ya?then if you all dont like i can change.

i think we're baking cookies and brownies? my mom suggested sushi.but then we wont be able to do it.wait. actually can. my mom can cook the rice at home then we can bring the rice to church and you people can make! what do you all think? can make both cookies and sushi laa. um.. i think that we should make food more "suitable" for people's lunch. then they'll eat lunch[that we prepared] in church.(more people will buy. at least that's what i think.heh)


saved x 9:47 AM

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currently THREE sec 3 gals.with an old person.

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i'll add them later.